Parents and Kids


Robert holds a Disclosure Certificate from Disclosure Scotland so you can have confidence that your children are being taught by a person of good character.

Robert is a qualified coach, trained in First Aid and holds the required professional indemnity insurance to teach Karate.

Health, Fitness, Confidence , Respect and Fun

Karate is great for all round health, fitess, personal confidence and of course fun!  We believe that maintaining a tradional approach which includes treating each other with respect and helping individuals to develop is one of the major benefits of learning Karate and can help young people grow and mature.

Young people like a challenge and enjoy achievement and Karate offers a path of regular, structured progression in skill and rewards this with gradings which reward their effort.

Mums, Dads and the Kids too

Karate is something that a family can do and enjoy together. Regular training and gradings and the satisfaction of seeing each other develop skills can be great fun. If you want to take part in competition then everyone is welcome.

© edinburghkarate 2012

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