Karate blog

Robert Redpath

This Blog

Is about anything to do with Karate. It will cover some training tips, helpful advice, comment on training or courses and a place to share knowledge and thoughts.

4 Sep 2012

Back to school – after the break we have resumed training at Firrhill High School and it is nice to see our young students back to training after their holidays.  Training tonight was the traditional combination of basics (Kihon), controlled sparring (Kumite) and exercises (Kata).  Those of us who attended the successful Edinburgh JKA Summer Camp are doing our best to implement the tips and techniques learned while Robert is passing on the “JKA way” of doing things which was emphasised at the Heriot Watt University event.

2 april 2012

A good night was had…  We visited our sister club at Edinburgh University for a well attended special session and grading run by Sensei Kenny Taylor from Glasgow.  Paul AtkinKenny is the driving force behind the Scottish Traditional Karate Federation and has many years of experience teaching Shotokan.  After a traditionally ‘firm but fair’ session Sensei Taylor ran a grading assisted by our own Robert Redpath.  Congratulations to Douglas who successfully passed his 7th Kyu and was awarded a Yellow Belt.

After the session auld acquaintances were restored in the Pleasance Bar…

22 March 2012

Sometimes as an Instructor you might forget to mention the link between basics, kata and fighting and specifically the links you want to cover in a particular session. Not tonight!

A simple combination involving a lunge punch stepping back with rising block, developed into reverse punch moving forwards and back seems fairly straightforward. But focus on correct hip thrust and focus those stomach muscles and thighs.

Fast forward into basic one step sparring,  both sides attack rev
erse punch, add in withdrawing the front foot for the counter attack of reverse punch or back fist – as you like –  and the pace and intensity increases. Bring into the mix body shifting and timing and you raise the level again

Bringing the feeling, speed, power and technique together into sparring and the techniques become increasingly focussed and effective.

Finally Kata – Gojushiho-Dai.  A long kata combining slow, fast, soft and hard techniques using some smaller scale techniques not often practised and makes you remember the precision required when practising some karate techniques.

The session closed with a final practice of defence and counter attack. Really sharp and a high point to end on.

7 Feb 2012

A simple reminder to improve your posture when executing techniques advancing or retreating:

Hips forward (feels like you are driving hips forward)

Shoulders back (feels like you are leaning back – you are not, but do not lean forward as you begin to move backwards

2 Feb 2012

Combinations of attack and defence were used with an emphasis on good posture and precise execution of blocking techniques but the key point was body movement to evade the attack. Executing a strong block is essential as this can be enough to deter an attacker.

Working in pairs, skill was developed through repetition and as always each student helped their partner improve.

31 Jan 2012

In training tonight  the emphasis was on  generating power through hip twist, pushing the feet firmly into the ground, lowering the hips and focus the core when executing techniques.

When kicking control the arms and drive the hips forward. Quickly withdraw the kicking leg and place, rather than drop, the kicking leg. Keeping the supporting leg bent and maintaining balance is essential – but not easy!

Many students (you know who you are) appear to hold their breath when executing techniques. It is often most noticeable when performing kata. To help you break this habit, try keeping your mouth open and make a point of breathing loudly. This should help your karate – not to mention stopping you from passing out!

© edinburghkarate 2012

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